der 0.2.10

Pure Rust embedded-friendly implementation of the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) as described in ITU X.690 with full support for heapless no_std targets

RustCrypto: ASN.1 DER

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Pure Rust embedded-friendly implementation of the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) as described in ITU X.690.



This crate provides a no_std-friendly implementation of a subset of ASN.1 DER necessary for decoding/encoding various cryptography-related formats implemented as part of the RustCrypto project, e.g. the pkcs8 crate.

The core implementation avoids any heap usage (with convenience methods that allocate gated under the off-by-default alloc feature).

The implementation is presently specialized for documents which are smaller than 64kB, as that provides a safe bound for the current use cases. However, that may be revisited in the future depending on interest in support for larger documents. Please open a GitHub Issue if you find this limit constraining in practice.


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